Monday, May 31, 2021

Copyright Law

J.K. Rawling sued her most devoted fan because he wrote a book based on her work.

READ   This overview article about copyright law and the First Amendment.

STUDY   The set of PowerPoint slides under Content on Blackboard labeled Copyright.

STUDY   The actual text of Section 107 from the U.S. Code that sets out the Four Fair Use Factors: Limitations on Exclusive Rights: Fair Use.

 WATCH   This week's videos and take very good notes. Don't forget there are instructional videos under the PAPER tab above as well.

LISTEN   To an example of music infringement from a real case — The Rubinos v. Lavigne. You may love Avril Lavigne, but she is a thief! 

TAKE   This week's quiz on Blackboard. You have one week and 90 minutes.


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