Monday, July 5, 2021

Welcome, Legal Scholars!

You could not have picked a more fascinating time to delve into the fast-changing world of communications law and ethics!

Ongoing fights over free speech on college campuses. Disputes over kneeling during the national anthem. A president who uses social media to communicate national policy. Accusations of "fake news" and online misinformation. Breaches of online privacy that have affected millions of unsuspecting users. And on and on — media law and the First Amendment are in the headlines on a daily basis!

The strength of the First Amendment is being tested as never before. Journalists are being thrown into jail merely for doing their jobs. And just as the Internet helps all of us connect more easily and reach larger audiences, governments seek new ways to limit the free flow of information.

We have a lot of work ahead, but I hope you'll find this area of the law exciting. Don't hesitate to ask for help along the way. Send me an e-mail any time. If I'm awake, I'll answer.

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