Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Links for Legal Research

The list of links below was compiled by Dean Tremblay for his section of media law. He has graciously given me permission to share it with you to help jump start your research.

First, check out the three we looked at in class: First Amendment CenterReporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and media law blogs

General Legal Reference Sites:
Federal and State Cases: http://www.findlaw.com
Supreme Court Rulings: http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/
Library of Congress/Thomas: http://thomas.loc.gov
High Point library reference site: http://library.highpoint.edu/

Specific Sites Relevant to Communication Law or Research Style:
Advertising Age: www.adage.com
American Civil Liberties Union: http://www.aclu.org
APA Style:  www.apastyle.org
Broadcasting and Cable Magazine: http://www.broadcastingcable.com
Editor and Publisher: www.editorandpublisher.com
Federal Communications Commission: http://www.fcc.gov
Federal Trade Commission: http://www.ftc.gov
National Association of Broadcasters: http://www.nab.org
Securities and Exchange Commission: www.sec.gov
Student Media Law:  http://www.splc.org

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